Friday, May 22, 2015

Saturday Night Live

I am so excited for Saturday Night Live and it has nothing to do with TV! Years ago, I purchased an iris called "Saturday Night Live." Its deep pink melted me and I almost drooled right there at the greenhouse. I've always described my favorite color as raspberry, but this iris is IT, whatever color it is. This favorite iris of mine has survived moving to a different house, moving between gardens, and now less than two years after being plopped front and center, it is robust. There is a nice big patch of it on both sides of the sidewalk. It's full of buds that look black on the edges, but it is going to be glorious and I can't wait for it to bloom.

Do you grow iris in your garden? They give a burst of ruffly color, their foliage texture is "blade-y" and they are easy to divide and plop elsewhere. Here in the Midwest, mine bloom about a month after the tulips and it's that next burst of color that says, "Summer is really coming!"

Speaking of TV, watch for posts on Milkweed as I attempt to grow it from seed, thanks to "Monarch Mission," sponsored by our local TV station.